General Information

To obtain a work permit, a foreigner must submit the following:

  • employment contract
  • evidence on education and qualifications
  • employers business registration documents issued by authorities in Kosovo

The decision to approve work permit is issued by the Department of Citizenship, Asylum and Migration, Ministry of Internal Affairs. Work permits are issued to foreigners for the period of required stay, but not longer than 2 years.

Short Term Work Permit

Short Term Work Permits are issued by Employment Agency, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.

The following documents are typically required by the Employment Agency for every applicant:

  • the application for short term work permit, which is obtained at the Employment Agency
  • evidence of temporary residence
  • valid travel document
  • employment contract or evidence on employment
  • evidence on education and qualifications
  • employers business registration documents

Short Term Work Permits are issued for the following foreigners, for a period up to 90 days within every period of 180 days within 1 year:

  • a business representative, key personnel and members of the supervisory board of a business company, which carry out work for a business company, but are not in an employment relationship;
  • tourism service providers, tourism representatives, and animators;
  • scientists in a scientific and professional training, scientists – representatives of international organizations, then scientists which will take part in the realization of scientific projects, important for the Republic of Kosovo;
  • managerial staff, experts, teachers and lecturers of foreign cultural, educational and scientific institutions, which in the Republic of Kosovo shall carry out works in the framework of cultural and educational cooperation programs, and managerial staff, experts, teachers and lecturers of foreign cultural, educational and scientific institutions, which in the Republic of Kosovo have their own associations, in case they do come from the parent institution;
  • civil and military personnel of the government of other states, who in the Republic of Kosovo come to work based on a cooperational contract with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo;
  • foreign correspondents accredited in the Republic of Kosovo or foreign media reporters;
  • representatives and personnel of religious communities who perform works exclusively related to charitable religious service;
  • students, who come to unions or Kosovo institutions for voluntary work in work camps or educational and work programs, respectively, who are coming for an internship in the diplomatic and consular missions accredited to the Republic of Kosovo;
  • volunteers who are working in unions and non-profit institutions in the Republic of Kosovo in accordance with the special provisions, respectively, based on voluntary cooperation and exchange programs;
  • foreign nationals who come in the Republic of Kosovo to do an internship in practice in a company, association or representation, who are owners of foreign firm, if such foreigners come from that firm to headquarters or from a representation or its association in another state;
  • foreigners who perform supervisory and inspection works, repairs and shipbuilding, respectively foreigners who perform supervisory or inspection tasks of production, prefabricated equipment, machinery and other instruments, based on a contract for export or an order from a foreigner;
  • foreigners who carries out an internship, training or voluntary work within a Cooperation Programme, Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action program, and other programs and initiatives, which are being implemented by a competent authority for education and science;
  • experts in the field of protection of cultural heritage, literature and archive;
  • foreigners who perform professional learning, training and education of employees working for natural persons and legal entities in the Republic of Kosovo;
  • foreigners who perform works related to orders, assembling or servicing of machines or equipment, whereas their work is a prerequisite for the realization of their rights on warranty or is connected with making machinery and equipment orders;
  • foreigners, who are professionally trained at a legal entity headquartered in the Republic of Kosovo, which is connected with the foreign employer;
  • pupils, who through an authorized organization or through a student exchange program come for internship;
  • doctors or medical specialists of various medical fields;
  • teachers and lecturers of foreign cultural, educational and scientific institutions, whose engagement is no longer than ninety (90) days within every period of one hundred and eighty (180) days in one (1) year, shall be issued a short-term work permit for foreigners;
  • Board Members and Executive Directors of foreign branches, whose engagement is not longer than ninety (90) days within a period of one-hundred and eighty (180) days in one (1) year, shall be issued a short-term work permit for foreigners.