View of Prishtina

What is Setup a Business Kosovo?

Setup a Business Kosovo is a web page created by Kika & Associates law firm in Prishtina to provide general information on:

  • Type of business entities that can be established
  • Employment contracts and obligations
  • Strategic investments
  • Residency permits

What is the purpose of Setup a Business Kosovo?

The web page intends to convey information on selected topics related to doing business in Kosovo. Our aim is:

  • provide general legal information to startups and foreign investors
  • navigate various legal requirements in doing business

It is important to note that the information found in this website is not to be considered as a legal advice or opinion. In addition, laws and regulations are subject to frequent change and the information might not be up to date at all times. 

What if you need more information?

If further information is required, you can contact us.