The investment may be a local investor, a foreign investor, public investment authority alone or in cooperation with any local or foreign investor. The entity must submit a written request/application to the Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency including the following information:
- The Applicant – entity;
- Type of project (public, private and public-private)
- Title of the project
- Economic sector of investment
- Location of investment
- The amount of investment in Euro
- Detailed description of how the project will be funded
- Evidence of its sufficient financial capability to implement the investments. The evidence must be a letter of confirmation from a local or foreign licensed bank or a well-known financial institution, confirming the financial commitment
- The Investment Business Plan, the financial investment plan and the work program for implementing the duration of the contract which shall not be under/less than five (5) years
- Operational risk identification and management plan
- A financial statement and the financial gains and losses for the last three (3) years
- Audit Report for the investment entity for a period of the last three (3) years
- A detailed profile of the investment entity, including its affiliates
- References from previous experience of the investment entity in similar projects
- Written authorization from the investment entity allowing the agency to conduct any verification and examination of the data presented in the investment entity’s file
- Investor’s management structure
- Investor’s ownership (shareholders) structure
- Investor’s market position in the markets where it operates
- Evidence that the investor has not been sentenced by a court, for acts related to its activity