Proposed investments to be considered strategic must fulfil the following criteria:
- investment entity at the moment of applying for the status of strategic investment must submit evidence, proving its financial capability to fulfil the investment;
- proposed investments must be in compliance with environmental standards defined by legislation of the Republic of Kosovo and European Union;
- proposed investments must not be in contradiction to the Constitution and obligations of the Republic of Kosovo defined by international conventions and agreements.
The minimum investment in certain sectors required to obtain the “strategic investor status” are listed below:
- Energy with Infrastructure and Mining – € 10 Million
- Transport and Telecommunication – € 30 Million
- Tourism – € 20 Million
- Processing Industry – € 20 Million
- Agriculture and Food Industry – € 10 Million
- Health – € 30 Million
- Industrial and Technological Parks – € 10 Million
- Wastewater and Waste Management – € 10 Million