In 2016 Kosovo enacted Law no. 05/L-079 on Strategic Investments in the Republic of Kosovo intended to stimulate, attract and create conditions for implementation of strategic investments.

A strategic project can be a private and/or public-private investment project that meets the set criteria. The investment entity may be a local investor, a foreign investor, public investment authority alone or in cooperation with any local or foreign investor. The main institutions responsible for assessing, approving and assisting strategic investments are the Kosovo Investments and Enterprise Support Agency and the Government of Kosovo.

To obtain the status of a strategic investment a project must be from priority sectors of economic and social development which contribute to the economic growth, employment and implementation of new technologies, increase of competitive economic capabilities of Kosovo, increase of export and reduction of trade deficit and the one shaving general impact in welfare growth of the citizens of Kosovo. The following sectors are included:

  • Energy with Infrastructure and Mining
  • Transport and Telecommunication
  • Tourism
  • Processing Industry
  • Agriculture and Food Industry
  • Health
  • Industrial and Technological Parks
  • Wastewater and Waste Management

The deadline for submitting a request by investment entities, interested to be included in the procedures for granting the strategic investment status pursuant to Law no. 05/L-079 is 31 December 2020.